Give mom a little sunshine

Here's a fun, easy project to give Mother's Day - plant a Sunflower.

You and Mom will be able to enjoy all summer long! Your Mom this

You can start your plant indoors and give to Mom this Mother's Day. When the weather is right you can then plant your Sunflower outside.

You Need:

Sunflower Seeds [you can purchase at garden centers or department stores usually less then $1]

Peat pot or container that drains

Potting soil or seed starter mix


Fill a container, or peat pot, with potting soil or seed starter mix. Gently push one or two sunflower seeds into center of container. Water lightly or mist. Keep in warm, sunny window.

Each day check your container. Water lightly every day if needed. Do not over water.

In about 7-10 days your sunflower should sprout. Once sprouted make sure it gets lots of sun.

When the weather warms and all chance of frost is gone plant your sunflower outside in a full sun location.

For Mother's Day: Have an adult help you plant your sunflower seed. Tie a ribbon around your container or peat pot and attach this Sunflower Card to give to Mom. You can then watch and grow your plant together to enjoy all summer long.

If you prefer, you can choose another type of seed to grow a plant for Mom. You can learn more about different plants in the KTC Garden.